Monday, January 25, 2010

SS Anne and Trunder bolt Show down (vs Serge), Digletts and Amber

Anyway I skip at bit and now were in Vermilion City
first stop the fans house
we and Sparky fall in love with Clefairy and we get a bike voucher
then fishing guys place to get the old rod
On to the SS Anne

fight trainers and fight Gary
and get hm01 cut
and leave the ship and watch it set sail

now ill level up Sparky for
the Thunderbolt show down ( i know i have a ground type but i want to try an bet Serge with Sparky ) and rest of team as well and Chuck envold into a

Now to Serge

Ten-hut! Welcome to Vermilion Gym! Will you look at that, a pint-size challenger! Hahaha! You've got big and brassy nerves to take me on with your puny power! A Pokémon battle is war! I'll show you civilian! I'll shock you into surrender!"

So that's why u got kick out of the army really serge really

Thunderstruck, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Tunderstruck, thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Whoa baby, baby, thunderstruck
You've been thunderstruck, thunderstruck
Thunderstruck, thunderstruck

You've been thunderstruck

Anyway he has a level 28 Raichu

"Whoa! You're the real deal, kid! Fine then, take the Thunder Badge!"

dam right u did

now we go to Digletts cave but first lets talk to officer Jenny

whats this yes I will take that Squirtle

I will Name it Shellshock

Now on to Digletts cave (good place to train Shellshock)

once though the cave we talk to one of Oaks Aides and get hm05 Flash ( trench coat not included)

now back to Pewter now I have cut i can get the old amber that I don't need now so it can go in the box

ok well lets head back to Cerulean City to get a bike ( wont use that much)

and next time will go tough the rock tunnel ( i hate this tannel so im gonna get some repals)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mount Moon , Rockets ,vs Misty and a vist with Bill

I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow
Leapin and hoppin' on a moonshadow

so hear we are at mount moon :)

their are 2 Bug Catchers 2 Lass 1 Youngster 1 Hiker 2 Super Nerds 3 rockets and Jessie and James

Bug Catcher 1 has a level 11 Weedle and Kakuna
Lass 1 has level 14 Clefairy
Super Nerd 1 has a level 11 Magnemite and Voltorb

Bug Catcher 2 have 2 level 10 Catepie and a level 10 Metapod

Lass 2 has a level 11 Oddish and Bellsprout

Youngster has 2 level 10 Rattatas and a level 10 Zubat
Hiker has 2 level 10 Geodude and a 2 level 10 Onix
Rocket 1 has a level 11 Sandshrew a level 11 Rattata and level 11 Zubat
Rocket 2 has a level 12 Zubat and Ekans
Rocket 3 has a level 13 Rattata and Zubat
Super Nerd 2 has a level 12 Grimace Voltorb and Koffing

anpick a fossil I'm going to take the dome fossil so thats Kabuto
oh no its Jessie and James
they have a level 14 Ekans, Koffing and Meowth

any way we beat them and leave Mt Moon here i am in Cerulean City (new thing im going to do with names of city's )

fight Gary who now has a Rattata and Sandshrew ( mines better) (can not be botherd writing what Gary says anymore till e4 match)

and with that Stanly envoed into a Pidgeotto

now lets go take on Misty
the trainers in Misty's gym are

A Swimmer with a level 16 Horsea and level 16 Shellder

and A Jr Traner F with a level 19 Goldeen

Misty-"Hi, you're a new face! What's your policy on Pokémon? What is your approach? My policy is an all-out offensive with water-type Pokémon! Misty, the world-famous beauty, is your host! Are you ready, sweetie?"

Wow she's different than from the anmie

and she has a level 18 Staryu and a level 21 Starme

Misty-"I can't believe I lost! All right! You can have the Cascade Badge to show you beat me!"

thank you Misty

she is now defeated she also a pain in the butt to beat

now lets get Bulbasaur named him Vinnie ( I most likely wont use him not a big fan on grass types so hes going in the box)

now lets go take on the nugget bridge
curse it takes a long time i wont list anymore unimportant trainers

woo now we got Chairmander I'll name him Charmer ( and yes I'll be using him)
now lets move along to Bill's cottage
fight some trainers
on the way Chamer evolved into Charmeleon

now were at Bills place and hmm wheres Bill oh sparky made a friend ha spaky whats with the confused face

Bill-"Hiya I'm a Pokémon .... No
I'm not! Call me Bill I'm a true blue PokéManiac! Hey! Whats with that skeptical look? I'm not joshing you , I screwed up an experiment and got combined with a Pokémon!"

OK then weirdo

Bill-"So,how about it? help me out here?"

Ummm sure thing what do i do

Bill-"When I'm the Teleporter, go to my PC and run the Cell Separation System! "

OK Sparky stop being confused now

I know I'm shock too Sparky (Ilove Pikachu's face rite now)

Bill-"Yeehah! Thanks, bud! I owe you one! so did you come to see my Pokémon collection? You didn't? Thats a bummer, I've got to thank you.... Oh here, maybe this will do? That curse ship is the SS Anne is in Vermilon City its passengers are all trainers! They invited me to a party, but i can't stand fancy dos,Why don't you go instead of me "

so now we got the SS Anne ticket

so next post we go on the SS Anne and get some stuff and get our 3rd badge

VS Brock

I wanna rock! (Rock)
I wanna rock! (Rock)
I want to rock (Rock)
I wanna rock! (Rock)so now were in Pewter quick stop to the Pokémon Center and the mart then to the gym

so the Trainer in the gym is a Jr. Trainer(M)/Camper
and he has a level 9 Diglett
and has a level 9 Sandshrew ( I Will be catching one later)
and with that Jodie evolved into Butterfree
now lets take on Brock

Brock- "I'm Brock! I'm Pewter's Gym Leader! I believe in rock hard defense and determination! That's why my Pokémon are all the Rock-type! Do you still want to challenge me? Fine then! Show me your best!"

Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Why Don't You Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

Hit Me With Your Best Shot!
Fire Away!

so Brock has a level 10 Geodude and a level 12 Onix

Brock- "I took you for granted. As proof of your victory, here's the Boulder Badge!"

dam right you did

"There are all kinds of Trainers in the world! Some raise Pokémon for fights. Some see them as pets. I'm in training to become a Pokémon Breeder. If you take y

our Pokémon training seriously, go visit the gym in Cerulean and test your abilities!"

OK i will do that and we can now learn flash out side of battle hey Brock we get a coat with that

so lets go to mount moon via route 3

OK lets move on the Trainers here are some Lass Bug Catchers and Yongsters

Lass 1 has 2 level 9 Pedgeys
Bug Catcher 1 has 2 level 10 Caterpie and a level 10 Weedle
Yongster 1 has a level 11 Rattata and
a level 11 Ekans
Yongster 2 has a level 14 Spearrow
Bug Catcher 2 has a level 9 Weedle a level 9 Kakuna
a level 9 Caterpie and a level 9 Metapod
Lass 2 has a level 10 Rattata
level 10 Nidoran
Bug Catcher 3 has a level 11 Caterpie

and a level 11 Metapod
Lass 3 has a a level 14 Jigglypuff

now I'm going to and get a new member for my team
and its a Sandshrew Ill name him Chuck

next post we go to mount moon

Viridian Forest

I wanna be the very best
Like no one ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Teach Pokemon to understand
The power that's inside
Gotta catch 'em all
Hear I am at the Viridian Forest so theirs some trainer battles a Lass
and some Bug catchers (who Don't
evolve their Pokémon)
any way i want to find a Pokémon hear so lets see

first lets fight the Lass
she has a level 6 Nidoran
and level 6 Nidoran

so with that done done lest go find that
Pokémon I'm looking for

and with that i just caught Caterpie I'll nickname her (in this game the don't tell you the gender but I'm giving it a girls name) Jodie
now I'm going to level it up and then take on those Bug catchers

so I got Jodie to level 6 lets go take on those Bug catchers

number 1 has a 2 level 7
Caterpie ( why isn't it a Metapod)
after that battle Jodie evolved in to a Metapod

number 2 has 2 level 6 Metapod
a level 6 Caterpie

number 3 has
a level 8 Caterpie

the last one has
a level 10 Caterpie (Why)

and now finally out of the Forest FREEDOM
You've gotta give for what you take

now to Pewter City and to face the my first gym battle
that will be in the next post


Ash Catches A Pokémon

What kind of Pokemon are you?
How do you do the things you do?
Share with me your secrets deep inside
What kind of
Pokemon are you?
Are you loyal through and through?
Do you have a heart that's true?
What kind of Pokemon are you

So last time we bet Gary so lets go to Viridian City via Route 1 so I left Oaks lab and Pallet Town
lets see who i what pokémon I find i find on the way hmm got a potion from the Pokémart guy talk to some guy I can now jump down ledges I don't know sound scary
not a wild pokémon yet i wonder were the are

so now im in Viridian City lets check out that mart

Guy at mart-"Hey youre from Pallet Town right? you know the Prof Oak?"

Yes i know Oak

Guy at mart-"His order came in. Will you take it to him ?"

Yea ok i will i gess that old man on the way out of town wont let me though

so now lets go back to Pallet Town and deliver this package to Oak
lets jump down this ledge oh OK that wasn't so bad
frist wild battle and its a .....Pidgey
and Sparky won (i will be catching a Pidgey later on but i have no Pokéballs yet so yeah)

now were back in
Pallet Town so lets go see Oak

Oak-"Oh, Ash! How is my old pokémon? Well, it seems to like you a lot"

um thanks

Oak-"You must be a talented as a pokémon trainer "

we only fought one battle

Oak-"What? You have something for me? "

yes i do hear you go

Oak-"Ah this is a custom Pokéball I ordered it! Thanks, Ash! By the way, I must ask you to do something for me. "

what more now what


oh no its Gary

Gary-"Gramps! my pokémon has grown stronger! Check it out!"

barging again Gary

Oak-"Ah, Gary, good timing, I needed to ask you both to do something for me "

I have to work with Gary

Oak-"On my desk There is my invention, pokédex, it automatically records data on pokémon you've seen or caught! It's a hi- tech encyclopedia!"

Wow fancy

Oak-"Ash and Gary! Take these with you!"

woo i got a pokédex

Oak-"To make a complete guide on all the pokémon in the world... That was my dream! But, I'm too old! I cant do it! So, I want you two to fulfill my dream for me! Get moving, you two! This is a great undertaking in pokémon history! "

wow that's a lot OK then

Gary-"Alright Gramps! leave it all to me. Ash, I hate to say it, but I don't need you! I know! I'll borrow a town map from my sis I'll tell her not to lend you one, Ash! Hahaha! "

what unfair Gary what if i get lost and die i mite have to eat Sparky

OK so lets go get the map from Daisy
now lets go back
Viridian City
hopefully will have a random encounter
and we ran into a Rattata
moving along and now in
Viridian back to the mart to buy some Pokéballs and maybe some potions i better catch something dont want Sparky to be too powerful yet
so list go toward Viridian Forest
old man fails at caching Rattata
and i have just caught a Pidgey i will name him Stanly
now lets go to the
Pokémon center so Sparky's at level 9 so im going to leval stanly up to that levael and thean will go to the west and not see anyone at all
not Gary
Gary-"Hey! Ash! You're going to the Pokémon League! Forget it! You probably don't have any badges! "

well you don't ether do you Gary

Gary-"the guard! wont let you through! By the way, did your Pokémon get any stronger? "

now for my 2nd battle with Gary
and he has a new Pokémon a Spearow

and he was taken out easily so in the next post will go though the Viridian Forest

Friday, January 22, 2010

Intro the Adventure Begins

Hello there! Welcome to the world of pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the pokémon Prof!

This world is inhabited by creatures called pokémon! For some people, pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself...I study pokémon as a profession.

First what is your name ........

Right!, So your name is Ash.

this is my grandson he's been your rival since you were a baby.....Erm, What was his name again.

That's right! I remember now !
His name is Gary!

Ash! Your very own pokémon legend is about to unfold
A world of dreams and adventures with pokémon! awaits lets go

so yea theirs the intro so I'll be playing this game forum gen 1 as a test to see if
this blog thing works and then I'll play Emerald,Platinum and Soul Silver maybe
mystery dungeon explorers of the sky so I gess people can use these like a walkthrough so hear we go(in all other games i be plating as a girl because i am )
and ill only write conversation with important characters

hear we are in the lovely Pallet Town
now first thing to do in every game (but not for gen 4) is go to get
potion PC and now lets go down the stairs talk to mum and go out the door
we talk to some people and go to our rivals house in this case Gary and talk to his sister Daisy

to find out he's at Oaks lab so lets head there

Gary-" Yo Ash! Gramps isn't around! i ran here 'cos he said he had a pokémon for me"

Pokémon interesting good luck with that Gary

OK that was a bit of a waste of time so lets try to find Oak maybe he went to the next town
well lets go find out

Oak-"hay! wait don't go out!"oak walks to grass "that was close wild pokémon live in tall grass"

Really now? I never knew.

Oak catches Pikachu yay.

Oak-" Whew....a pokémon can appear at anytime in tall grass.You need your own pokémon for your protection . I Know here come with me"

So we follow Oak i think he going to give Us a pokémon i wonder what one maybe Charmander , Bulbasaur or Squirtle lets find out.

Gary-" Gramps! I'm fed up with waiting!"

Oak-" Hmm? Gary? Why are you here already? I said for you to come later"

Yeah Gary why are you here .

Oak-"Ah, whatever!
Just wait there. Look, Ash ! do you see that ball on the table"

Yes i do see it.

Oak-" its called a pokéball. It holds a pokémon inside. You may have it! Go on, take it!"

Woo my pokémon.

Gary-"Hey! Gramps! What about me?"

what about you Gary.

Oak-" Be patient, Gary. I'll give you one later"

Yeah Gary I get one now you get one later .

So lets go click on the the pokéball
and Gary pushes me out of the way.

Gary-"No way! Ash! I want this pokémon "
and takes the pokémon.

What a jerk that was mine :(

Oak-" Gary! What are you doing?"

Gary-"Gramps, I want This one!"

Oak-"but,I...oh alright then.That pokémon is yours."

What but you said I could have it.

Oak-"I was going to give you one anyway...Ash,come over here ."

Oh OK I come over their

Oak-"Ash, this is the pokémon I caught earlier.You can have it .I caught it in the wild and it's not tamed yet ."

Woo i got Pikachu lets call him Sparky ( yes i be nicknaming them so Yeah)

so lets go now with no interruptions curse that be silly

Gary-"Wait Ash! lets check out our pokémon! Come on, I'll take you on !"

Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two


Winner Ash

yay we one we also took some of his money

Gary-" WHAT! Unbelievable! I picked the wrong pokémon!"

you didn't pick it you just took it

Gary-"Okay ! I'll make my pokémon fight to toughen it up! Ash! Gramps! Smell you later"

It is you who smells Gary

Oak-"What?...Would you look at that! it's odd,but it appears your Pikachu dislikes pokéballs. You should just keep it with you that should make it happy! You can talk to it and see how it feels about you "

So Pikachu how do you feel

Pikachu-" pika :("

awww Pikachu dosnt like me :( wahhhhh ..

so thats it for thisi do the nextlater