Hello there! Welcome to the world of pokémon! My name is Oak! People call me the pokémon Prof!
This world is inhabited by creatures called pokémon! For some people
, pokémon are pets. Others use them for fights. Myself...I study pokémon as a profession.
First what i
s your name ........
Right!, So your name is Ash.
this is my grandson he's been your rival since you were a baby.....Erm, What was his name again.
That's right! I remember now !
His name is Gary!
Ash! Your very own pokémon legend is about to unfold
A world of dreams and adventures with pokémon! awaits lets go
so yea theirs the intro so I'll be playing this game forum gen 1 as a test to see if
this blog thing works and then I'll play Emerald,Platinum and Soul Silver maybe
mystery dungeon explorers of the sky so I gess people can use these like a walkthrough so hear we go(in all other games i be plating as a girl because i am )
and ill only write conversation with important characters
hear we are in the lovely Pallet Town
now first thing to do in every game (but not for gen 4) is go to get
potion PC and now lets go down the stairs talk to mum and go out the door
we talk to some people and go to our rivals house in this case Gary and talk to his sister Daisy
to find out he's at Oaks lab so lets head there
Gary-" Yo Ash! Gramps isn't around! i ran here 'cos he said he had a pokémon for me"
Pokémon interesting good luck with that Gary
OK that was a bit of a waste of time so lets try to find Oak maybe he went to the next town
well lets go find out
Oak-"hay! wait don't go out!"oak walks to grass "that was close wild pokémon live in tall grass"
Really now? I never knew.
Oak catches Pikachu yay.
Oak-" Whew....a pokémon can appear at anytime in tall grass.You need your own pokémon for your protection . I Know here come with me"
So we follow Oak i think he going to give Us a pokémon i wonder what one maybe Charmander , Bulbasaur or Squirtle lets find out.
Gary-" Gramps! I'm fed up with waiting!"
Oak-" Hmm? Gary? Why are you here already? I said for you to come later"
Yeah Gary why are you here .
Oak-"Ah, whatever!
Just wait there. Look, Ash ! do you see that ball on the table"
Yes i do see it.
Oak-" its called a pokéball. It holds a pokémon inside. You may have it! Go on, take it!"
Woo my pokémon.
Gary-"Hey! Gramps! What about me?"
what about you Gary.
Oak-" Be patient, Gary. I'll give you one later"
Yeah Gary I get one now you get one later .
So lets go click on the the pokéball
and Gary pushes me out of the way.
Gary-"No way! Ash! I want this pokémon "
and takes the pokémon.
What a jerk that was mine :(
Oak-" Gary! What are you doing?"
Gary-"Gramps, I want This one!"
Oak-"but,I...oh alright then.That pokémon is yours."
What but you said I could have it.
Oak-"I was going to give you one anyway...Ash,come over here ."
Oh OK I come over their
Oak-"Ash, this is the pokémon I caught earlier.You can have it .I caught it in the wild and it's not tamed yet ."
Woo i got Pikachu lets call him Sparky ( yes i be nicknaming them so Yeah)
so lets go now with no interruptions curse that be silly
Gary-"Wait Ash! lets check out our pokémon! Come on, I'll take you on !"
Take on me, take me on
I'll be gone
In a day or two
Winner Ash
yay we one we also took some of his money
Gary-" WHAT! Unbelievable! I picked the wrong pokémon!"
you didn't pick it you just took it
Gary-"Okay ! I'll make my pokémon fight to toughen it up! Ash! Gramps! Smell you later"
It is you who smells Gary
Oak-"What?...Would you look at that! it's odd,but it appears your Pikachu dislikes pokéballs. You should just keep it with you that should make it happy! You can talk to it and see how it feels about you "
So Pikachu how do you feel
Pikachu-" pika :("
awww Pikachu dosnt like me :( wahhhhh ..
so thats it for thisi do the nextlater